
Kirkland Hit and Run DUI Lawyer

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Kirkland Hit and Run DUI Attorney

Being accused of hitting someone and fleeing the scene while intoxicated is a serious accusation. The consequences of a hit-and-run DUI can be serious. Failing to stop at the scene of a crime is a criminal offense, and an investigation into the accident could lead to additional criminal charges. If you are facing hit-and-run DUI charges, you can rely on the legal services of a Kirkland hit-and-run DUI lawyer to protect your rights and fight your charges in court.

best kirkland hit and run DUI lawyer

Why Choose Peters Associates, LLC?

Washington’s hit-and-run laws allow for serious penalties for anyone convicted of that crime. If you are charged with a DUI in addition to a hit-and-run, you could be facing very harsh penalties. Since 2005, Peters Associates, LLC has focused on helping defendants facing DUI-related crimes. We have a deep understanding of the law and use our knowledge to secure favorable case outcomes for our clients.

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Driving under the influence is an aggravating factor that could potentially lead to serious jail or prison time. Once you secure legal representation from our firm, we can carefully review your case and the evidence being used against you to find weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. Our goal is to shield you from the most serious penalties under the law and to do everything we can to have charges dropped or reduced if possible.

Understanding Hit-and-Run Accidents in Washington

Under state law, anyone who strikes an unattended vehicle is required to stop and locate the owner of the vehicle. If the owner cannot be found in Kirkland, WA, the person who hits the other vehicle is required to leave a note with their name and address. The same rules apply to drivers who damage property with their vehicles. Violating this law results in a misdemeanor.

Any driver who causes injury or death to another person is required by law to immediately stop and remain at the scene of the accident until law enforcement arrives and determines if they can be released. The driver who caused the injury or death is required to provide their name, address, insurance information, and vehicle license number. Anyone who violates this law could face a gross misdemeanor or felony criminal charge.

Criminal and Administrative Consequences of a Hit and Run Charge

Washington’s hit-and-run laws can lead to misdemeanor or felony charges. If you are found to have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time, you could face the additional charge of a DUI. Prosecutors often pursue the harshest penalties for drivers who left the scene of the accident while driving under the influence.

The consequences could mean that you face dual criminal charges, which could lead to significantly higher fines and longer jail sentences. Anyone who is convicted of a hit-and-run offense faces a mandatory license suspension. The defendant can appeal the revocation with the help of a DUI attorney in Kirkland.

best kirkland hit and run DUI attorney

The Critical Role of Legal Representation When Fighting Criminal Charges

Fighting hit-and-run and DUI charges at the same time requires a strategic legal defense. A skilled hit-and-run DUI lawyer will examine whether law enforcement followed proper procedures, challenge the validity of field sobriety or breathalyzer tests, and question probable cause for the traffic stop. For the hit-and-run charge, an attorney may argue that the driver was unaware of the accident or left due to fear of harm.

If you did remain at the scene of the accident for any period, that could support a legal argument for reduced or dropped hit-and-run charges. If evidence is weak or improperly obtained, charges may be reduced or dismissed. In some cases, a lawyer can negotiate a plea deal that avoids a criminal record or minimizes penalties.

FAQs About Kirkland, WA Hit and Run DUI Law

How Soon After an Arrest Should I Contact a DUI Lawyer Near Me?

Contact a lawyer immediately after a DUI arrest to protect your rights and build a strong defense. Early legal intervention can challenge the traffic stop, contest breathalyzer results, and fight license suspension. Delaying legal help may weaken your case. A skilled DUI lawyer can navigate the legal process and work to reduce or dismiss charges.

How Long Does It Take to Resolve a DUI Case Involving a Drunk Driving Accident?

What Is a Hit-and-Run DUI?

Is It Worth It to Hire a DUI Lawyer?

Contact Kirkland Hit and Run DUI Lawyer

The combination of a hit-and-run charge and DUI charges can lead to serious consequences if you are found guilty of both charges. Prosecutors rarely show leniency in these types of cases. You can fight your charges by partnering with Peters Associates, LLC. Our criminal defense firm focuses on defending clients from DUI charges, and we’ve been in business since 2005.

We can explore effective strategies for fighting your charges. As we chip away at the prosecution’s case, we can improve your chances for a favorable outcome that allows you to avoid the harshest penalties under the law. Don’t delay preparing your defense. Contact our legal team today to schedule your consultation.

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Office Location

800 Bellevue Way NE
Suite 500
Bellevue, WA 98004

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