Bellevue DUI Expungement Attorney
Individuals who have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Washington may wonder if they are able to have this charge expunged from their criminal record. Having a DUI on your record shows up on background checks during job or housing applications and can cause you to lose out on these necessary opportunities. If you are seeking an expungement, you need the help of a Bellevue DUI expungement lawyer.
An expungement is the legal process of scrubbing a criminal charge or conviction from a person’s record. This provides a clean slate to start over and work toward a brighter future. The attorneys at Peters Associates, LLC, understand the complicated laws associated with these cases and can use this knowledge to pursue an expungement for your DUI charge. Since 2005, we have handled numerous DUI cases and achieved record expungements. We are here to help you.
Can A DUI Be Expunged in Washington State?
A DUI cannot be expunged from a criminal record in the state of Washington. Only specific misdemeanor charges can be expunged from an individual’s record, so it is important to hire an attorney who can work to have your charges reduced to a misdemeanor that can be expunged. Misdemeanor charges that can be removed from your criminal record include:
- A charge of reckless driving
- A charge of negligent driving
- A charge for reckless endangerment
- Any other driving-related charges that are less severe than a DUI
The development of a strong defense is integral to seeking lesser charges that can be expunged from a criminal record. Receiving a lesser driver-related charge instead of a DUI charge can offer you more legal options in the future and allow your attorney to work to expunge those charges from your record.
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Peters Associates, LLC: Assisting You in a DUI Expungement
While you are not required to have an attorney when pursuing a DUI expungement, it would be in your interest to hire one. Because the state of Washington does not allow individuals to expunge a DUI from their criminal record, you need an attorney who can work to reduce your charges and obtain a subsequent chance at record expungement. Peters Associates, LLC can help.
At Peters Associates, LLC, our team has the ability to gather evidence in your defense and build a case that benefits you. Evidence that can potentially be used in your defense includes:
- Statements from eyewitnesses
- Evidence obtained by the prosecution, including exculpatory evidence that can support your case
- The police report and any evidence from the scene of your arrest
- Anything pertaining to illegal search and seizures performed by the police
- Anything that demonstrates faulty testing practices, including field sobriety tests and chemical tests, such as a breathalyzer
Using this evidence, the attorneys at Peters Associates, LLC, can tailor your defense to correctly suit the unique needs of your case. We can work toward a reduction of your charges so a future expungement may be attainable.
Washington State Requirements for an Expungement
The state of Washington has several requirements for individuals seeking a DUI expungement. In order to be eligible for an expungement, you must meet the following criteria:
- You cannot have any pending criminal charge on your record when seeking an expungement.
- You can’t be a defendant in any kind of domestic violence or violated restraining or no-contact order case.
- Three years must have passed between the time your conviction was handed down and the time in which you began pursuing an expungement.
- You cannot have any new criminal convictions on your record at the time that you petition for an expungement.
A: While the reality remains that you cannot get a DUI expunged in the state of Washington, you may be able to seek reduced charges that can be expunged. The time it takes to expunge these lesser charges from your record can vary and depends on factors such as the complexity of your case and the nature of the charges.
A: In Washington state, the cost of having a DUI expunged may be different for every case. This is because there are several factors that can affect the final fees involved. These factors include the number of convictions you are hoping to expunge, the courts involved in the original convictions and the expungement, and the fees your attorney charges for their services and time spent on your case.
A: If you were convicted of a DUI in the state of Washington, this conviction cannot be removed from your record; however, your attorney may be able to get your charges reduced to a misdemeanor charge that can be expunged. To obtain an expungement, your attorney can assist you in carefully completing and filing the necessary paperwork, such as a petition to vacate, and gathering any supporting material the courts may find necessary.
A: In the state of Washington, a driving-related misdemeanor charge can stay on your criminal record indefinitely unless it is a charge that can be expunged. In most cases, you cannot seek an expungement until three years have passed since you were convicted. A lawyer can assist with the expungement process after that time, making it less complicated for you and ensuring a greater chance of success.
Schedule a Consultation With a DUI Expungement Lawyer Today
If you have been charged with a DUI in Washington state and are hoping to seek an expungement of these charges in the future, you need an attorney who can work to have your charges reduced to a misdemeanor that can be scrubbed from your criminal record. The attorneys at Peters Associates, LLC, can be of service.
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